Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Little Willy Wonka Magic?

Howdy Y'all!

When I was a kid, one of my favorite movie was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (and just as a side note, the new version freaks me out).  I loved everything about the movie...all the candy, the wallpaper, crazy Willy Wonka, everything!

Do you remember the gum that would change flavors through a 3-course dinner - tomato soup, then roast beef and a baked potato and then the blueberry pie?  Here is a little refresher so you can remember what happens to Violet when she chews it.  "Violet, you are turning violet, Violet!"

Well, Willy Wonka couldn't get the dessert right...but, Wrigleys did.  The Extra Dessert Delights gum is so super tasty!  I tried the Key Lime Pie tonight and it was yum-o!  And, the best part is, I didn't turn into a lime.  :)

Well, it was a perfect night to talk about gum/candy.  Hope you don't get sick on all that Halloween candy.  :)


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oh Fall, I Love Thee. Let Me Count the Ways...

Howdy Y'all!

I seriously love fall!  And, today's weather was PERFECT!  Here are the many ways I love this season.

1)  The colors of the changing leaves are so beautiful!  Seriously, fall may be my favorite season just because of that.

2)  The Texas State Fair and seeing the Texas Star.  I didn't make it to Dallas this year, but oh my it is super fun!  A day of riding rides, eating fried food and people watching is the best!

3)  The cool crisp that!  I love that I don't have to use the air conditioning or the heat because it usually just maintains the perfect temp inside the house.

4) I love to cuddle up on the couch with blanket.  My brother and I used to fight over this cowboy and indian blanket my Me-Ma made many, many years ago.  I was able to sneak it away when I went to college, but I had to give it back before I went to Arkansas.  Luckily, in its place, I was able to get two other blankets she made.  What is cool about these blankets is that they are made out of some of my dad's old clothes from when he was a kid.  I love that...and there is something about covering up with those blankets during the fall and winter that just make it so special.

5) Cooking soups!  You can't eat soup during the summer...its just too hot.  But, today I enjoyed some broccoli cheese soup and a grilled cheese for lunch - and tonight, it was all about the taco soup.  Yum-O!  I am ready to bust out some chili and chicken tortilla soup next.  And, if you have a soup recipe to share...I am all ears!!

6)  Cooking anything with pumpkin.  I think that is even better than the soups.  Lately, I have made some pumpkin oatmeal cookies, pumpkin muffins and a pumpkin pie cake.  I better stop taking about it because my mouth is salivating just thinking about it.

7)  And, of course...this comes as no surprise...but, fall brings on great sports.  College football is the best!  Even though my Longhorns aren't playing so hot this season, it is just so fun to get into.  And, as I am typing this, I am watching the Texas Rangers play in their first World Series ever.  They are behind in the series...but, watch out San Fran, the Rangers are here to play!

Enough about the fall - I am going to go back to cuddling on the couch with those prized blankets I have.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just Waiting on a Baby

UPDATE: We are not longer waiting on anyone to fill this nursery - we have a sweet little girl that turned one last week.  All the pictures in the blog below are from way before she was in our lives so things have changed a little.  I won't lie though - there are still some picture frames that are empty.  :)  And, the time out chair was painted by JJ Sparkles in Texas - you have have seen it on Pinterest a time or two.

Howdy Y'all!
So, we have pretty much put the finishing touches (minus a few things) on the baby's room...but, we still don't know when we are getting a baby.  However, once we have been contacted that a birth mother has chosen us...we are ready to rock and roll.

Because we are adopting, we have no idea if we will get a boy or girl - so, we had to go with a gender neutral theme, but I did not want to go with the traditional yellow and green.  I have a love for the color orange - so that one definitely had to be in there.

Here are a few pictures (sorry taking with my phone) of the room.  I really love the orange, blue and green.

I designed the crib at Polka Tots Designs...and then bought extra fabric to create the frames and the window treatment.

My mom bought my brother a crib when his son was born - so, she also bought us the crib and changing table and we bought the dresser and the bookcase.  I LOVE the furniture which came from  Thanks mom, you rock!

We got really lucky on the glider rocker...a friend of a friend was selling their custom upholstered glider rocker which happened to be orange...I love it too.

Of course, being a big Longhorn fan - I had to put a little Bevo in the room too.  :)  More about that little rocking chair below.

This rocking chair was mine when I was about 7 or 8 - and my mom got the chair custom painted to match the room.  Isn't it the cutest thing ever?  Some may find it wild, but I think it matches perfectly!

And, as a surprise, my mom added this chair as well.  Hopefully, our baby will be perfect and will never have to use this chair, but of course, if it is anything like me it will be there ALOT!  HA!

 Hope you enjoyed the tour...and we would love your prayers on our adoption.
