Sunday, April 22, 2012

Toy Boxes, Tebow and Tushies

Howdy Y'all!

Harper got a brand new toy box this weekend and she loves it!  We have had a bassinet in the living room since she was born and we stopped using it several months ago...or should I say that we stopped using it for its intended purpose several months ago.  It has been full of toys and we needed a way to finally put it away and a new toy box was the answer.  Harper loves to stand at it (she was only standing in it for the picture) and throw the toys out...silly girl.

This weekend at the Walmart Saturday Morning Meeting, we were surprised by an appearance of Tim Tebow.  I will be honest - I haven't been the biggest fan.  I was watching one of his football games and after the play was over, he got right in the faces of the opposing team and did the gator chomp.  I just thought it was an arrogant/cocky thing to do and the opposite of what I would have expected from him.    And, I was (and still am) irritated by the media infatuation of him, but that is really beside the point.   Being a fan of the Texas Longhorns, I, of course, love Colt McCoy and he has never displayed that sort of behavior and he was my example of an upstanding football player.  From the moment I saw the gator chomp, I was not a fan, BUT I think he changed my mind on Saturday.  It is amazing to see a young man speak so eloquently and I can see God doing great things in his life way beyond football.  So, I have decided to let go of my first impression and give the guy a chance - so from Saturday's surprise visit, Tebow gained yet another fan.

I did love how we (Walmart) flat out told him that he didn't create Tebowing - that Sam Walton did.  Check out this picture and see for yourself.  :)

Now, onto the last subject of this blog...tushies.   Lately, Harper has loved to sleep with her tushy in the air.  Every night we check on her before we go to bed and find her like this.  I have even tried to straighten out her legs and they just go right back.  It doesn't seem to be comfortable, but I guess it works for her.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Whoooo's 10 Months Old

Howdy Y'all!

I can't believe it - I am a mother of a 10 month old!  Where has the time gone?

My sweet Harper is still (and will always be) the greatest joy in our lives.  She just continues to grow like a weed everyday and is now wearing 12 month clothes and size 3 Pampers Cruisers diapers.

I feel like this month brought us all kinds of development!  Harper started crawling, going from a laying position to a seated position, pulling up and walking with the aid of a walker.  She went from being so easy to keep up with to being ALL over the place!  She keeps us on our toes.

Here is her first attempt at crawling...pretty good if I say so myself!

And, here is her first attempt at walking with the walker.   I love that when she learns something...she just gets it and acts like an old pro.

My little peanut still has a toothless grin and it is mighty cute!  She has also started saying Uh-Oh or I should say that she has started copying me when I say Uh-Oh.   I love it.

Harper loved her first Easter and was pretty good at hunting those eggs!

I can't believe that Harper will be one year old in a couple of months.  Birthday party planning is in full gear and for some crazy reason, I have decided to go with an invitation that has to be cut out by hand and it has 16 pieces to it!  I am glad I am starting early because they may not be done in time.  :) Yikes!  And, then Pinterest has given me so many ideas for the party that I hope to pull off as well.  Wish me luck.

I am ready to see what developments we will see before Harper turns eleven months old.  I guess time will tell.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rescue Me

Howdy Y'all!

Last weekend my parents came for a visit to celebrate Harper's first Easter and while they were here, we had the strangest thing happen.  My mom and I were walking to my car and we heard some scratching from inside one of our columns on the front porch.  We had no idea how something could get down there and we had no idea what it my dad came to the rescue.

He got out a ladder and with a flashlight, he determined it was a large black bird.  Now, it was time to put in a plan of action...

First idea was a wash cloth with fishing line tied to each corner.  He pushed the cloth down the narrow hole and came so close to getting the bird.  After this failed attempt, he gave up but you could tell it was still bothering him.

He sat down for awhile and then bolted off to the garage and came back with an extension cord and duct tape.  For the second attempt, he would wrap the tape around the extension cord sticky side up and then push the cord down into the hole.  And, after a few minutes, the bird stuck to the extension cord and came right on up.  One bird's life saved that day!  Yahoo!

After all my dad's hard work, he plugged up the small hole with some newspaper and he was glad he did because that silly bird was back and trying to get in the column later that day.  Maybe it was a do-do bird.  ha!

And, I will leave you with a few pics from Harper's first Easter - she really seemed to enjoy herself!

We had a little hunt inside the house.

She's taking a little break...crawling wears a girl out, ya know!

So proud of herself that she found another egg.

Look!  Another one!

Papaw helped her find one too.

Out of a few pics of us...this was the best one...still not good.

Harper loves her cousin, Hay-Hay.

Nana and Papaw are pretty amazing too!

Some of Harper's loot for Easter.

Mommy, the Easter Bunny left me something too!

My happy little girl!  We love her.
